Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Plan!

So the moment we have all (shut up, I am going to pretend I have followers until I actually have followers and then they'll feel included when they go back to read the earlier entries... Or I won't get any followers and I'm just a sad, sad girl. ;)) been waiting for is right around the corner.
Tomorrow marks the first day of my 50 weeks to lose 50 lbs. As promised, here is the plan I intend to follow:
(Please note: As I go along, I may make changes to what I am doing and will update then... this is just a basic idea of what I have so far).

Stage 1 - Detox Phase!
I personally don't buy into a lot of the "detox" stuff that's out there and think that if you are going to take on any kind of detox, you should really do your research first. The fact is that our body does it's own detox and some any chemicals or hot pepper drinks or whatever are not going to really do us any good... HOWEVER...
I am going to follow the Phase I Detox of the "Fat Smash Diet" for a couple of reasons:
1 - I am a big time sugar addict. I know that if I have to cut out all sugar COMPLETELY for 10 days, I won't crave it like I do now. When I've tried to just cut back on sweets in the past, it's been my downfall and cutting things out completely seems to make that easier.
2 - It will get me into the habbit of planning out my meals more carefully and since it's super strict, will only get easier once the ten days are up.
3 - I like the idea of jump starting your body with a bunch of whole, nutritious foods that will tell your body, "Hey look... we're doing something different now, deal with that digestive tract!"
4 - The structure of it will be good for me, I think. With the kind of "eat anything you want" Weight watchers type diets, I always go too far.. or just don't eat.
5 - It was featured on the "Celebrity Fit Club" and I believe everything I see on TV. Just kidding.

I will outline what this phase means in another post.

After the Detox, I am going to gradually add back in foods that I wasn't allowed on the detox like animal protein, etc. What I really want to focus on is eating food that benefits the enviroment and will be doing a lot of research into eating locally, seasonally and organically. At this point, I am still planning on eating meat (chicken, beef and fish) but will be aiming for all organic, free range products. I will also continue to try to educate myself on the best way to "eat clean" in my life so that I can eliminate a lot of the preservatives and other crap that is in so much food that I eat now.
Until I can do it without thinking, I will work off of calories and limit myself to a certain number per day. I will also aim to meet certain nutritional values (eg. calcium).

Oh God, I hate exercise. I always have. You won't be seeing me take on P90X in the next 50 days, I can guaruntee you that.
I do have a gym membership but the hours suck and, because I hate exercise, I always find reasons not to go.
What I think will be easier is that my husband bought my a recumbent exercise bike for my birthday back in October. I use it sporatically, but I will build myself an actual exercise plan.
For the first 10 days, while I am "detoxing", I will aim to do 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 timesper week. I figure 3 will be plenty in the beginning and, as I get into the habbit, will increase to 5. Once I am past the ten days, I'd like to be able to maintain at least 30 minutes 5 times per week. I may increase this later and I will add in strength training.
The other thing I'd like to do is to start regularly taking my dog out for a walk at the same time every day. I need to decide if I should do this solo as soon as I get in from work or wait and do it with hubby after dinner when he'll be home too.
As I get my exercise plans on track, I will update to exactly what I am doing and how it's going.

Off to do some healthy food shopping!

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