Saturday, March 27, 2010

I love the smell of grease in the morning

On Fridays, the cafeteria at my place of work serves some pretty unhealthy food. I came fully prepared today, armed with low fat yogurt, fruit and Weight Watchers lunch. Late in the morning, though, the smell of "Friday Lunch" began to waft through the halls and pretty much taking over the entire building.
Today's menu was:
- Fish and Chips
- Pizza (beef or vegetarian)
- Steak sandwich with fries
- Turkey Meatloaf
- Beef and rice stuffed peppers

The last two items, deemed the "healthier" items, disappeared off the menu before I went down at 1 o'clock to grab a bottle of water. When you have not only one, but two options that come with fries the smell of the deep fryers are pretty hard to avoid. At around 12:30, right around when I start thinking about going for lunch, there is nowhere to escape the smell of greasy food.
Greasy food isn't even my biggest weakness 'cause I am a sugar girl through and through... but that smell really does go right to the part of your brain that starts telling you how good everything that's bad for you tastes.
Did I give in and eat fries or other greasy food at work? No, I did not. I ate my SmartOnes and a cookie to get over my sugar cravings in the late afternoon.
On top of that, I had a really awful day work-wise and twinged something in my back when I was moving heavy boxes around. When the day finally ended and it was time to go home, I left with a sense of pride that I had made it through a shite day at work without eating the crap I normally might have...
Then I went to my sister's to babysit and ate two slices of pizza, a piece of cheese bread and a pepsi.

Multivitamin Update

Wow, that looks like the title to the most boring blog posting in history. Multivitamin update. I really do live on the edge.
In case anyone WAS wondering... or in future wonders about taking a multivitamin, I did do some research and this is what I came up with.

I did some research on what the best multivitamin to take is for women, for weight loss, for women in my age group, etc. I did find a couple of suggestions that you just as you cannot possibly get all the ideal amounts of vitamins and minerals from your diet every day, you can't cram them all into a single daily capsule either. Considering that I don't want to carry (more of) a pharmacy around in my purse, though, I am going to stick to a single vitamin right now and will consider adding in things I might still be lacking in another form later.
A lot of the articles said much the same thing, but one (which of course I can't find right now) laid it out in pretty simple terms. It recommended two name brand daily multivitamins: One A Day Women's and GNC Women's Ultra Mega; These were the best multivitamins they found in a study for women who haven't hit menopause and aren't currently pregnant or trying to conceive.
Further than that, it said that the things you want to look for are:
- 18 mg of Iron
- 600 IU of Vitamin D
- At least 400 mcg of folic acid

These were for women in general, not specifically women that are wanting a supplement that will help them with weight loss. When I looked on the 'One A Day' website, I found that they have a couple of more specific vitamins for weight loss and energy.
I took my newfound knowledge with me to the drugstore and spent some quality time in the vitamin section. I ended up picking out a generic store brand women's multivitamin that is called "Weight Conscious" which, by looking at the ingredients, means it has all the same things of the other daily women's plus green tea extract. I don't know if that will impact on my weight loss either way, but I need the vitamins anyway so we'll see what happens.

After two days of taking the multivitamin, I did notice something... I couldn't sleep in. I have been taking the pill after dinner (so I have a full stomach and won't have to face a whole day with an upset stomach in case my body doesn't like the new pill) and haven't noticed any problems. I did have a day off work, though, and noticed that even though I really WANTED to sleep in, I couldn't - I was up and at 'em. Then the same thing this morning... I woke up half an hour before my alarm went off and was wide awake. I'm not complaining, I usually have to drag my ass out of bed in the morning... and it hasn't interrupted my sleep during the night at all.
It could be a total coincidence, but I am going to see if it keeps happening. If it is giving me a little more "get up and go"ness, maybe it will be easier to get my ass to the gym.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ad for Colonic - Ew

So I was just previewing my blog and my attention was drawn to a huge add on the side of the page for Colonics for weight loss.

I'm hungry

So I have been fairly "back on track" for the last two days. I did a big grocery shop and I am always, always more successful in eating well when I have a kitchen full of good food... I guess that goes without saying.
I got some Weight Watchers food (Smart Ones frozen entrees). They aren't my favourite thing, especially considering I really want to do a lot more "Clean Eating", but they are handy and convenient and that's what I need right now. My plan is to eat them for lunches and things when I am off work on weekends (when I would normally skip meals or just snack on crap) and take them to work with me sometimes for lunches. The rest of the time, I will try to eat as "clean" as I can.
Normally, being hungry is not a big issue for me at all. I can go a really long time without eating and not feel hungry at all - which is one of my problems 'cause then I don't eat for stupidly long stretches of time and I'm sure my metabolism is effed.
Today, though, I feel hungry.
I had a normal breakfast, missed a snack and then had a normal lunch. Tonight I am making thin crust pizza with veggies and salad, but that's not for another few hours. My instinct and cravings are for something sugary and sweet. I bought some of that V8 fusion juice that has a serving of vegetables and of fruit in one cup, so I am going to try a glass of that and see 1) if it satisfies the hunger and 2) if it tastes alright.
While I was folding laundry this afternoon, I watched two episodes of an A&E show called "Kirstie Alley's Big Life" where she and her "chubby buddy" and trying to lose weight. I guess she is also flogging some kind of weight loss program/products... but they didn't come up in the first two episodes I watched.
What struck me about it was that when I look at Kirstie Alley now, I think of her as being really overweight. Not morbidly obese or anything, but definitely "a whole lotta woman". When she weighed in, though, she was 4 pounds LESS than I was when I started Weight Watchers last year. So someone who weighs pretty much the same as me looks so much bigger than me on TV... which makes me think I am in more denial than I thought about how big I actually am!
I also watched her interview trainers to help her and her friend exercise... even watching them doing stuff made me feel tired. Oh, exercise... why can't you and I just get along?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Looking for a good multivitamin

The tables are about to change, my blogosphere friends. I know that normally you tune in to my blog to hear what I have to say, what little droplets of wisdom I bring to not only Weight Loss but life in general... Today, however, I am asking for your help. Today, I--... wait, what? What do you mean you can't find a single droplet of wisdom... I'm sure I sprinkled a few around somewhere... Regardless, I think we can all agree that this sporatically updated blog is, if nothing else, a public service... No? Well. Damnit.

What was I saying?

Right. Vitamins. Despite my best efforts to eat a well balanced diet, I know that because of the difficulty I have with some harder to digest vegetables and fruits (AKA: The ones that are really good for you) I am probably not getting enough vitamins and minerals. Here's the real kicker, though: When I have taken multi-vitamins in the past, they have always upset my stomach. Eventually, I switched over to kids vitamins and that seemed to help. You can only eat Flintstone shaped vitamins for so long, though, before you realise that A) You look like an idiot and B)Your vitamin needs may not be the same as a pre-teen.
I haven't tried one for a while, though, and want to give it another shot. My stomach does seem more tolerant to this sort of thing these days, but I don't know where to start.
Does anyone have any recommendations of a good multi-vitamin either for everyone or for women specifically?

Double the Fun: Week 8 & 9 Updates

Week 8 Weigh In:

Weigh In: +1 lb
Overall Progress: LOSS – 6
Goal at this point: 8
(which means I am behind by 2 pounds, boo)

Week 9 Weigh In:

Weigh In: No change
Overall Progress: LOSS -6
Goal at this point: -9
(which means I am behind by 3 pounds, boo)

Nothing has changed, really. Not on the Weight Loss side of things, I mean. Sometimes I think, "I wish I knew how to just stick to a plan!" but if I had the secret to that, I could make millions from people everywhere. Thank Oprah I never started smoking, can you imagine the helluva time I'd have quitting?

Back in early 2009, my sister and I joined Weight Watchers and I was not very successful.
"Well, are you sticking to the plan?" my sister oh-so-cleverly asked.
And there goes the big secret behind why WW wasn't successful for me... I do, however, still have all the little guides and some cookbooks and tracking books so I am thinking about starting again. I came across all of it while I was cleaning on the weekend and thought I should either use it or lose it: What's the point of having it taking up room in my house to just gather dust and make me feel guilty whenever I see it?
At first I was thinking about just going back to the "Week 1" guide and starting over on my own, but not going to the meetings (in other words, doing it for free). They always tell you, though, that people are way more successful when they do go to meetings and I think that's probably true. The weekly Weigh In is at least another motivation.
I did mention it to my sis and she sort of reluctantly agreed that we could maybe go back. She did really well when we did it last year, though, and may not be all that eager to lose more weight.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

8 Weeks?!

Holy Moses, I just looked and realised that I started this "50 in 50" 8 weeks ago!
That means I am probably behind on my goal... but also, behind on what's reasonable!
Okay, so I set myself the goal of 1 lb a week because I didn't want to make a goal that would be too lofty to reach but I do know that I should be able to lose around 2 lbs per week, even more at the beginning if I really change my habbits... which means I should really be down at least 16 pounds as of tomorrow.... yeah, that's not happening...
Still have 42 weeks to go, though... Lots of time to get back on track...

You'd look like Kelly Clarkson if you lost all that weight

Ages ago, I went into Fitness World (where I used to have a membership, starting from when my mom signed me up when I was like 14) and on one of yet another "Gonna get fit" kicks, I decided to sign up for a trainer. I started chatting to the pushy sales trainer at the desk, who told me that I could look like America's First Idol Kelly Clarkson if I "lose all that weight".
I love people.

On a side note... I don't look like Kelly Clarkson. Even skinny.

So this week has been... alright. I mean, work stress and life stress and all that drama has been... well, drama. On the weight loss side of things, though, I don't think it's been too bad. I have found that since being B-R-O-K-E lately, I am spending less money on food and consequently eating less unhealthy food. It might not be totally on purpose, but I'll take it.

Tomorrow I am back to my Sunday morning Weigh Ins, so I'll make sure to report in then on how I am doing.
I also pulled out some Weight Watchers cookbooks I bought last year when I was a Watcher of Weight (or a "Fat Fighter" as my sister and I called it every week) to start trying to cook more consistently and use healthy recipes to do it. I did not have any success on Weight Watchers, but my sister lost 30 lbs so I can say that it both does and does not work. :-P

Adrian, on the other hand, has continued to do really well. On this Saturday, for example, he was up and out for a run before I had even cleared the sleep from my eyes.

Oh, and exercise? Um... well... I've been seriously, seriously thinking about it....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Update: Eating for the Earth

One of the things I mentioned when I first set out on this 50 Week Challenge was my goal to eat (live, really) in a way that supports environmental sustainability. Having said that, I chose the worst time of year to try and eat locally in Vancouver. Through February and March, there is very little produce available in BC that is locally grown and in season because... well, it's friggin' cold.
I can see that the summer months and beyond will be a lot better for fruits and vegetables in general but unless I am willing to reduce my vegetable intake to potatoes and garlic (not that I am opposed to a generous helping of garlic mashed), I may need to re-think this approach for the colder months. Canned and frozen is one way to go, especially because there are so many options now for buying organic. From everything I have read, most frozen fruit and vegetables aren't any lower in nutrients than fresh so at least you aren't sacrificing anything by buying frozen.
It's funny because I instinctively feel like buying frozen is not as healthy as fresh and yet when I walk through the supermarket now and see all the fruit available, I know that none of it is actually in season here.
The other thing I am considering is stocking up on organic fruits in the months they ARE available locally and doing my own canning... This will definitely require some more research on my part and probably some trial and error once it does become available.
Now that I am trying to buy organic and our budget it really tight, I am really noticing a difference in my shopping bills. I think it has definitely cut back on the amount of meat I am buying and we having more vegetarian meals. Adrian mentions going "Eyelash vegetarian" or "Veg-equarian" every so often (only eating sea food) but I'm not sure how committed he actually is. I used to say that I could never go vegetarian because I base so many of my meals around the easily digestible chicken breasts, but even I have gotten pretty sick of chicken over the last few months. Fresh fish is also something that is more available throughout the summer months, but is also pretty pricey.

As a side note, the organic vegetable market in our neighbourhood recently shut and has been empty for the last little while. This past weekend, Adrian and I were out walking and we noticed that there were some people inside doing renovations. Ranger, our ever popular conversation piece, got the attention of the woman working inside and we ended up chatting. She told us that they are planning to open what sounds like a deli with organic, grass fed Black Angus beef and other locally produced groceries. They are planning to have a smoker and things for people to try their products and are hoping to be up in running by mid-March (though they didn't seem very confident in this timeline). What was most interesting, though, was when they were telling us about how difficult it is for local farmers and people with other ranches, etc to even be able to sell to the public because of government restrictions. Although I was aware of this happening in the US from watching the "Food Inc" documentary (please watch if you haven't already, it's fascinating), I was not aware of how much of it was also affecting Canadians. It sounds like there is just the same amount of red tape and government intervention that prevents small farmers from selling their products and forcing consumers to buy from the big slaughterhouses that are government funded. They were saying, for example, that they have a friend who has a Buffalo ranch and that the only way he can sell the meat is for someone to go to his farm in person and basically purchase an entire Buffalo privately. I may not be the biggest meat eater, but I don't know anyone who is looking to eat an entire Buffalo...
He also said that there is a lot of pressure to sell the animals at auction, where he will take the cows that he has been very particular about raising on grass and without chemicals, etc and they can end up being sold to the highest bidder who is only looking for the lowest price. They will then take that animal, stuff it with the grain and corn products that this rancher has always avoided and undo the years of work he has put into them.
I don't tend to be a very "Stick it to the man!!" kinda girl but knowing how much the government controls (by way of McDonalds) what I put in my body kinda freaks me out. The fact that they are intentionally stopping farmers, ranchers, etc from getting natural, organic products out to consumers is just sick.
Here's the kicker, though: As long as these products are few and far between, they are going to be sold at a premium price. That means that for a lot of people, buying them is just not a choice they have even if they want to support the cause.
If you are interested, here are a few links I've found about eating locally in BC.
Information on proposed changes to the BC Meat Inspection Act that makes it illegal for local farmers to sell their products as they have in the past, click here.

Also check out:
Get Local
Community Farms Program
Certified Organics Association of BC

We'll Always Have the File Room

Ah Life, you crazy unpredictable bastard.
Just when I am posting about how my new schedule at work is going really well, the powers that be decide it's time to pull that carpet out from under me and Whoosh!, it's gone.
I went into work today feeling quite plucky, ready to get this ridiculous File Room project in order and to grab this new position by the horns and go all out like some sort of Organization Rock Star. Would I let the fact that a trained chimp could do this job bother me? No! Would the endless cardboard paper cuts and heavy lifting get me down? Absolutely not! Would I stand in the middle of the file room surrounded by boxes of crap and just stare at them, hoping to work a little Mary Poppins magic on them? Okay, yes, I did do that.
No sooner than I arrived, though, did my day start to go a bit tits up. Because the laser in our laser printer is broken, all print jobs had to be sent through the Print Shop in the basement. Upon taking a trip down there, I ran into the girl who covered for me while I was away for surgery over the summer. She totally surprised me by telling me how awful the girls I work with are and how they had "really nasty things" to say about me "every 2nd day". Was I shocked and appalled that the girls who I hear gossiping and bitching about people on a daily basis could say something about Perfect Me? No, but it still hurts to hear it from someone and confirm that you're not just paranoid - they really are talking about you. The silver lining was that while one my colleagues who shall remain nameless was making up totally lies about me, this woman who didn't know me from Adam thought it all sounded a bit suspect and when she did a little digging discovered that I wasn't in fact incompetent or lazy and that this aforementioned colleague is simply an immature high school bully who has spent a little too much time gossiping and not enough time being a grown up.
Cut to my first break of the day and my attempt at eating a healthy number of calories per day while sticking to a tight budget. I had a non fat yogurt, which was delicious but the Weight Watchers muffin I brought was a big Zero. I wouldn't recommend these store bought muffins at all - although they get high points in convenience, they are sickly sweet and have an artificial-y taste to them. Next time, I will bake my own.
I went back to work, imagining all the ways I could deal with my Gossip Girl colleague... my favourite of which was approaching her cubicle and asking in a very polite voice if she would be able to explain to me why she is such a heinous bitch. I, of course, went another direction and was simply very nice to her. I hope you really can kill a person with kindness because my confrontational skills are sorely lacking.
Lunch was leftover casserole that I brought from home and was pretty good and I drank my weight in water throughout the day, so good for me. *pat on the back*
The afternoon started with an email from my union rep, requesting my presence at a meeting with HR. Oh joy. So... insurance has come back, denied my claim for benefit (shocking, I know) and so I have until the end of the week to have my Dr appeal it (which he will) or I have to go immediately back to Full time, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Then I have to choose between my new job (See: Trained Chimp) or my old job (See: Working directly with Heinous Bitch). A real Sophie's choice, I know.
So I come home, thinking the day was stressful enough to warrant eating my weight in chocolate and ice cream... but I did not. I even had to stop at the store on the way home that was right next to a Starbucks and, though tempted to go in and get a big calorific frapp, I went home and ate an orange.
Some lovely girls came to my house to watch the season finale of "Super Fake Love Show" (Aka, The Bachelor) and we had sushi for dinner and a wee bit of wine. It was likely not the very BEST choice, but I know I could have done a lot worse.
Now said sushi and wine is churning around in my stomach and, despite the fact that it is nearly 4 AM, I am wide awake and dining on Ginger tea and some tums. Ah, the good life.