Sunday, January 10, 2010

Here we go: 10 Day Detox!

As I mentioned before, the first part of my Weight Loss plan is a 10 Day Detox. I can't take any credit for this detox, however, as I am copying it from the "Fat Smash Diet". You can probably find out quite a bit about the FSD online, but if you are interested the book is pretty small and I got it super cheap on
Here is a general outline, though:

For 10 days you have to eliminate food like simple carbs, all meat products, sugar and artificial sweeteners, and most fat. The book gives you a list of what you CAN eat, which includes:
- Any fruits or vegetables, except potatoes and avocados
- 2 cups of brown rice per day
- Beans, tofu and lentils
- 2 cups of low fat/skim milk per day
- 1 cup Oatmeal per day
- 6 oz. low fat yogurt (2 times per day)
- 4 egg whites
- 2 cups herbal tea
And, of course, as much plain water as you want.

I have made up a meal plan based on these and will try to stick as closely to it as possible. One of my biggest challenges is not forgetting to eat and making sure I am having something every couple of hours. I'll share what I've been eating once I get it all typed out.

Now, in the book it says to be doing 30 minutes of exercise 5 times per week. I am aiming for 3-5 times because I feel like 5 might be a bit ambitious and I don't want to feel like I'm failing right off the bat. I will try for 5, but will be happy if I get at least 3 for right now.

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