Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 6: Getting totally fed up with Detoxing!

When I started the 9-Day Detox (which I believe I may have called a 10-Day Detox in earlier posts, so I will try to find and correct) I thought it would go like this: Days 1-3 would be hell with cravings and such and then, once in the swing of things, would lose the cravings and start to feel like superwoman. Instead, I found it has gone like this: Days 1-3 were not that hard, cravings weren't too bad and I felt like I could carry on the diet for 9 days no problemo. Aside from my stomach issues, which might be a problem on any given day regardless of what I am doing, my body felt fine. Days 4 and 5, however, have been a lot harder. I am getting totally fed up with this detox business and wanted some regular food so badly yesterday I felt like an addict on Intervention before the intervention... I think I literally went through all the stages of grief in about 5 minutes thinking about chocolate. I think I did that about ten times.
I am starting to wonder if, once I am allowed things like cereal and some meat protein, the cravings for the really 'bad' things won't be as bad because I am eating a larger variety of foods.
Food was much the same as it has been the last few days, which the exception of adding some "Yam fries" to the menu at dinner. I made some tzatziki (Low fat plain yogurt (strained), cucumber, garlic, lemon juice) and used that to dip the yams in (Thank you, Arley!). Having the yams was a really nice change and because they feel more "carb-like" I did feel more satisfied after eating them as opposed to the brown rice that I am getting oh-so sick of.
I was doing some research yesterday about this whole "Fat Smash Diet" business because come Day 10, I haven't decided if I will follow that plan or venture out more on my own. There is a lot out there that says the Detox phase is unhealthy, unnecessary and the only reason you lose weight is because of the severe caloric deficiency. When I was feeling fed up, that seemed like someone had thrown me a life preserver but I think I'd feel really shite about not being able to do what I set out to. For right now, I will stick to this 9-Day Detox and just hope that all the food I am missing out on right now will taste that much better once it's over.

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