Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Looking for a good multivitamin

The tables are about to change, my blogosphere friends. I know that normally you tune in to my blog to hear what I have to say, what little droplets of wisdom I bring to not only Weight Loss but life in general... Today, however, I am asking for your help. Today, I--... wait, what? What do you mean you can't find a single droplet of wisdom... I'm sure I sprinkled a few around somewhere... Regardless, I think we can all agree that this sporatically updated blog is, if nothing else, a public service... No? Well. Damnit.

What was I saying?

Right. Vitamins. Despite my best efforts to eat a well balanced diet, I know that because of the difficulty I have with some harder to digest vegetables and fruits (AKA: The ones that are really good for you) I am probably not getting enough vitamins and minerals. Here's the real kicker, though: When I have taken multi-vitamins in the past, they have always upset my stomach. Eventually, I switched over to kids vitamins and that seemed to help. You can only eat Flintstone shaped vitamins for so long, though, before you realise that A) You look like an idiot and B)Your vitamin needs may not be the same as a pre-teen.
I haven't tried one for a while, though, and want to give it another shot. My stomach does seem more tolerant to this sort of thing these days, but I don't know where to start.
Does anyone have any recommendations of a good multi-vitamin either for everyone or for women specifically?

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